When you must write a referral — another post for the new(er) teacher

Continuing posts for the newbies, mostly at the middle school and high school level

New teachers often hesitate to seek outside help with disciplinary issues. They understandably worry about making a bad first impression. For any teachers out there who are afraid to call in the cavalry, this post is for you.

You must ask for help with some issues. Actions at the start of the year establish precedents. Inactions also establish precedents — and you can end up struggling with misbehaviors for the rest of the school year if you roll over in September.  My young colleague who rationalized that “dumb-ass” was not “really a curse word” and let a student in her class effectively off the hook after an example of outrageous disrespect?She was let go the following year, mostly due to subsequent disrespectful student behavior. That kid who cursed at you? That kid MUST receive a consequence. His or her fellow students need to see you will not be a pushover. Parents or guardians should also receive a phone call.

Maybe you are afraid that reporting misbehavior will be interpreted as being unable to manage your classroom. That fear has to be ignored when the cause is sufficient. Frankly, if you never feel comfortable asking for help from your administration, the problem is your administration — not you — and you may want to look for another school district.

Regardless, disrespectful and disruptive behaviors must be shut down as much as possible and as early as possible during the school year. That sometimes requires reporting a problem even if you would rather not have the Dean know that “Matt” called you a @#%@%. In science fiction terms, you do NOT want to live in the parallel universe where “Matt” got away with calling you that name because you will be absolutely miserable in that universe, as “Matt” keeps pushing to find the boundaries and get another laugh at your expense.

You should have a referral form to use in case of trouble. If it’s like many other forms, the misbehaviors on the following list call for immediate referral to the Dean or other administrators in the disciplinary pipeline:

♦ Drugs
♦ Fighting — this includes serious verbal altercations as well as physical assaults
♦ Harrassment, intimidation or bullying of other students
♦ Horseplay meant to disrupt class or horseplay that does not stop when you say stop
♦ Some forms of insubordination — this can be tricky…
♦ Possession of weapons or look-alike weapons
♦ Profanity or serious verbal disrespect toward the teacher
♦ Refusing to identify yourself (This tends to be hallway issue.)
♦ Skipping class or extreme tardiness
♦ Smoking
♦ Vandalism

In a sense, most of the above behaviors are often easier to manage than less serious infractions. Recreational drug use is simply unacceptable. Possession of weapons cannot be tolerated. Kicking over a desk or gouging a crown into its surface cannot be ignored or excused. That crown requires an immediate referral. If the idea of the crown did not immediately ping your gang activity warning bells, you might also talk to colleagues about gang activity in your area.

The flip side of what I have written above is that a new teacher’s instinct not to write referrals may be spot on. Too many referrals can put you in the spotlight, and you want to avoid that. Beyond the items on the above list, disciplinary referrals tend to become more discretionary, and I’d suggest avoiding referrals when possible. Fairly or unfairly, referrals can raise classroom management concerns, and they also give away some of your own personal power. Kids sometimes view referrals as a version of, “Wait till (another authority figure) gets home (to take charge)!!

One five-minute tardy will probably not be worth the paperwork, especially since administrators tend to be too busy to manage what they perceive as trivial problems. Three tardies in a week make a different story, though. Attitude should be a determining factor in the referral process. Was the behavior deliberately disruptive? That’s probably a referral, but you might want to handle disruptive behavior yourself. Did the student intend to swear? Sometimes words just slip out. Did the horseplay spill over into class from the passing period? You may be able to address that horseplay with a short reminder about the rules and a small consequence such as cleaning the classroom before school. Littering and pencil doodles on desks call for natural consequences such as desk-cleaning duty. Afterschool and lunch detentions act as deterrents for other behaviors.

Misbehaviors I would recommend tackling on your own before issuing referrals include the following:

♦ Academic dishonesty
♦ Bothering other students short of bullying
♦ Breaking school rules (a few rules call for immediate referrals, especially when safety issues are in play)
♦ Cursing not directed toward you that is not bullying
♦ Disruptive behavior that continues after you bring the behavior to a student’s attention
♦ Horseplay
♦ Huggy kissy stuff — PDAs
♦ Littering
♦ Property misuse
♦ Tardiness

Eduhonesty: I’ll pick up this thread again in the next day or two. I’ve launched into a huge topic and a complicated one. My advice might be quite different for District 43 than for District 182, for example. Who are your administrators? How much experience do those administrators have within your district? Who will help?

I will end today’s post with a familiar piece of advice: Ask your mentor teacher or other experienced teachers within your district how to manage your disciplinary challenges. I favor lunch and afterschool detentions myself, but whatever you do, don’t let deliberate disrespect go. You may want to call home, talk to parents or guardians, and issue your own consequence — rather than discussing disrespect with others outside the classroom — but your “Matts” must be stopped before their behaviors escalate, both for your sake and for theirs.


Stating the obvious. Then stating it again.

I just crawled through an article on WebMD, intended to help parents guide their ADHD children to develop better study habits. I’d say the article is useful for almost all parents and for teachers as well. All children may not struggle with ADHD, but I’d venture that all children have ADHD moments. That’s part of being a kid. You get excited. You get distracted. You focus on lunch or the new girl instead of the triangles in front of you.

The URL is http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/childhood-adhd/ss/slideshow-adhd-study-habits?ecd=wnl_day_083015&ctr=wnl-day-083015_nsl-ld-stry&mb=UT0EfRiJlerLe8Nl%2f6BrJGdEpmNqbUHLZTN%2fwNIxCow%3d and I would suggest you might use this to create a cheat sheet for parents. If nothing else, you can pass along the URL.

One screen struck me as especially useful for new teachers. Screen 14 of 15, titled “Mention the Obvious,” can be applied to students in classrooms everywhere.

“When helping your child do her homework, include steps that might seem obvious to you. For instance, the last two steps should always be “put your homework in your folder” and “put your folder in your backpack.” The more specific you are when giving instructions, the better.

Eduhonesty: At the end of the hour, you may assume students will automatically put their homework in places where they will be able to locate it later. That’s a bold assumption. Some students will, but others won’t. It never hurts to say, “Now put that homework in your blue folder and put your folder in your backpack. Put the folder in a location where you will be able to find it when you get home. Do not forget to take your Fungus book home. You will need that book to do the homework.” If you see those students at the end of the day, check that they did as instructed.

“Is your homework in your backpack in your blue folder? Along with the fungus book?”

You will never be the worse for giving “extra” instructions. Spelling out all the little details step-by-step will simplify your life. Some kids are organization naturals, automatically arranging and rearranging folders for the joy of putting their desks in order, but most struggle with this life step, especially when they first hit middle school. I recommend regular, specific reminders worked into the end of activities. Break it down into steps, at least at first.

P.S. Don’t wait months to clean the lockers, either. By November, so many microbes can be growing on that half a mystery meat sandwich that you may want to call a Hazmat team to help you with little “Albert’s” locker. Toward that end, you will thank yourself if you add rubber gloves to the classroom supply list you are probably buying for yourself right about now.

In a Time of Fish in Trees

On vacation out here, but I thought I’d offer a quick post for today. The pin on the bottom says, “Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes.”GARDEN ETCI am grateful to my readers, the kids I met this year, and all the people who keep struggling to get education right. I am so glad for all of you, for the people who know that fish don’t belong in trees, and who are trying to make school work for our many kids, all our kids with their different talents, interests and inclinations.


Can you call me if you see her hanging out with boys?


(Readers, please pass this on to new teachers and others who might be interested if you have a few minutes. I’d call this the first summer post for newbies.)

I found an article in my Facebook feed titled “24 ACTUAL Things Parents Said to Teachers That Will Make Your Head Spin.” The article includes “He’s only bullying people because he’s more developed than them” and other funny quips and comments.  http://offbeat.topix.com/slideshow/16097/slide1?no_cover=1

One comment stopped me, though. Can I call mom if I see her girl hanging out with boys?

Yes, I can. I absolutely will. Feel free to ask me. I may call you anyway.

I have taught middle school for most of my teaching career. Seventh grade can be especially hazardous. The year starts well. Marie is listening and doing her work. Then in November, Marie’s gaze starts scooting over toward Danny. Sometimes by December or January, I have almost entirely lost Marie in a seething sea of unpredictable hormones. Marie may break into tears if Danny talks to another girl in the lunchroom. She is likely to be distracted, trying to text him across the room if I am not watching.

When Marie skips class to sneak off to an empty gym with Danny, I am not doing my job if I am not calling home. One year, our middle school had five pregnant girls toward the end of the year. The nurse was beside herself. Another year, I ended up trapped between the social worker who wanted the abortion, the Catholic mom who did not, and the girl who wanted to finish school and was too scared to have that baby.

This post is especially for new teachers who are not yet calling home on nonacademic matters. I recommend you call. You might pick an academic concern — For example, “I noticed she has not been taking her book home lately.” You can use that as a focus for the conversation, slipping in that perhaps Marie’s interest in Danny is distracting her, causing her to lose track of academic responsibilities. Obviously, you can’t call for every little flirtation.

But teachers often see trouble coming before anyone else understands what is happening. Put yourself in mom’s shoes. You would want to know.


The art of the seating chart

Toward the goal of teaching as much as you can as fast as you can, a well-designed seating chart can be a teacher’s best friend. The right seating chart forestalls many problems. Conversely, the wrong seating chart will kill you by degrees.

If Claudia is sitting next to her boyfriend, the game’s probably half lost. Claudia and her boyfriend will be distracting each other as soon as your back is turned. If Ezekiel’s sitting next to the girl whose cuteness renders him mute, the game’s mostly lost. The talking probably won’t start for awhile, but you’ll be lucky to capture a few minutes of Zeke’s attention during class. Exceptionally chatty girls should never be placed side-by-side unless no alternative exists. Students need to be strategically deployed with the end goal of nipping social conversations in the bud.

Some teachers begin school with alphabetical charts and that approach has advantages. Setting up structure immediately helps create a classroom tone conducive to learning. However, having emphasized the importance of seating charts, I am now going to recommend that teachers wait a few days before assigning seats. I usually let students pick their seat partners and classroom position for a couple of days at least. I learn who wants to sit near the front of the room and the teacher and who doesn’t. I learn the group and friend dynamics within my classroom. I learn where the conversations are going to break out. I learn who the quiet kids are. Sometimes, I may catch the first whiffs of bullying, giving me a chance to shut down harassment before it starts.

Once I understand the dynamics of my classroom, then I build my seating chart. I separate talkers. I use quiet students as buffers. I bring students who may need special help up front so I can help them without making them conspicuous. I separate students who are not going to focus on learning when they are seated near each other.

Charts are an art. I suppose I should add a few caveats here. Not all talkers need to be separated. On occasions, I have left friends together because they work together unusually well and help each other enough to compensate for a slight uptick in chatting that may result from that placement. If Claudia just arrived from Honduras last year and her boyfriend is translating for her and helping her learn English, I may try out the seating arrangement with the two together.

The end goal is learning.

For the newbies: Don’t let the kids talk you out of your plan. If you thought Mary and Kayla needed to be separated, you were probably right, despite Mary’s entreaties. As soon as you start flexing rules or plans, some students will begin trying to make you flex all the rules and plans. The time loss can be considerable and the benefit to you nearly nonexistent.

One good time to group

The text of the following email is from my former math department chairperson, an example of a reasonable use of small groups. Consider this a teaching tip for new teachers, I guess. After the big rainstorm when five kids in the class did not come to school, using the internet to reteach may work well. This requires careful planning to set up review sessions for other students at the same time.

“The link below provides a series of tutorial videos that would be appropriate to assign to students to watch who were absent. You could document that as an intervention and say that it was provided for students to view on their own time or make time available during the school day for students to view it while you move forward with other students.


Eduhonesty: A few issues are embedded in the above post. Five absent students? If that sounds like too many from a rainstorm, I’d like to observe that, in my former district, bad weather could easily create such absenteeism. Especially if students walk and mom and dad have already left for work, those students may decide to stay home. When older kids are responsible for getting younger kids to school, everybody will stay home. Despite recent Yahoo articles about the perils of children walking to and from school alone, the fact is that many, many children walk to school all the time, especially those who don’t qualify for free bus service.

Among other targets the state set for us this year, schools in my district had attendance targets. My homeroom won the special treats for best attendance a number of times and we enjoyed the special cookies and little water bottles. Attendance numbers were posted on cheery boards in the hallway. The very fact that we received treats in a year when measures against recreational eating felt almost Draconian speaks volumes, though.

Attendance fails, especially at the high school level, create academic fails and my district has been struggling with the problem as long as I can remember. Other impoverished and urban schools fight the same battle. I thought my chairperson’s post with this link offered a helpful suggestion that could be used for grouping. Individual students can also be sent home with helpful links. When possible, links can be emailed or texted to parents.


Music hath charms

Music soothes the savage student, not to mention other students and their teacher. My iPhone has synced itself into a mess of contemporary music this year. I don’t even know what I have.

list of songs

I do know that music works for me, but I also recommend caution to new teachers out there. Letting students go to YouTube can be risky. Often, students don’t even know they are making inappropriate choices. Many are oblivious to curse words and unacceptable topics. Others know full well that f-bombs are about to fall, but they want to see how the teacher reacts.

I duck the content problem through song lists. My students write down songs they would like to hear. I vet the lyrics and listen to samples before I make purchases. (I do buy the songs. Stealing material off the internet would set a poor example.) Sometimes I have to explain why a song did not make it onto the classroom’s latest CD. We can’t play a song about partying and getting wasted, I explain, even if the language is clean. It’s useful to look for videos, too; I never would have bought that song from Shades of Grey if I’d seen the music video first, a mistake on my part, even if the lyrics passed scrutiny.

I’ve written before about the scary quality of some lyrics our children are listening to today, but this post focuses on a different topic. I get great mileage from my CDs.

“If you are quiet and working, I will put on music,” I say. I wait for compliance. Sometimes students help me.

“Be quiet! She won’t put on the music!” They say to classmates.

I strongly recommend music lists.

Finding the unique

“The greatness of art is not to find what is common but what
is unique.”

~ Isaac Bashevis Singer (via Bob at bob@lakesideadvisors.com)

I think that applies to greatness of teaching as well. What makes “Josue” unique? That’s the question and, locked in that question, we find the key to helping Josue fulfill his own personal quest. The best teachers cultivate those sparks of uniqueness, those flares of divergence.

The divergent are often a handful in the classroom, but I have fewer — if any — real disciplinary issues with this group when I go with the grain. If “Manny” can’t follow, I try to let him lead. If Josue wants to take science toward skateboarding, I try to find the applicable science that relates to the skateboard. Of course, some days you just have to force kids to go with your flow: Order of operations is neither malleable nor optional.


Eduhonesty: For new teachers, I offer this advice: Try to enjoy them for who they are. Love them if you can. Support them as much as you are able. And go with the grain of the wood as often as possible.

Looking through the cracks

To retain or not retain — that is the question. Should we flunk our underperformers? If we do, should we hold them back? Or send them on the next grade with a hope, a prayer and — if we listen to the research — extra tutoring? Academic studies favor social promotion, usually adding the caveat that the socially promoted should receive extra tutoring when they enter the next grade. Unfortunately, that tutoring may not happen or may be wholly insufficient: Two extra hours of instruction per week cannot begin to cover the losses from years of failure and near-failure. I’m not sure 10 hours a week could hit that target, but ten hours might be plausible for quick learners.

This post is only peripherally about retention, though. I want to briefly visit another topic. So Napoleon has failed or nearly failed his classes, quite likely not for the first time. At least one possible rescue ought to go on the table immediately, one that inexplicably may not be raised for discussion.

For parents and teachers: If Napoleon failed or has been skirting failure, please consider special education. When a parent demands that a child be tested for special education, the district must comply. Absent that demand, sometimes testing never happens. For one thing, the barriers to entering special education keep getting higher. I don’t want to start addressing those issues — they’re huge — but the amount of proof required to move a student into special education may shut the process down before it starts, especially as districts keep adding responsibilities to the teaching day. My 27 days of meetings this year take a lot of time away from possible parent calls or social worker discussions.

One of my students just entered special education. Her mom had mentioned she thought the girl needed extra help and I thought so, too. I talked to special education teachers. They told me the same thing they have been telling me for the last few years: Tell the parent to insist that her child needs to be tested. The amount of documentation a teacher requires to get that ball rolling is so daunting now that I suspect only parent interventions are likely to work in some districts. She’s not my only student who I think needs help. I have one more mission before year’s end, if I can put it together in the time that’s left.

For some kids, special education may be their only chance to graduate from high school and possibly move on to higher education. My colleague down the hall has been educated and trained specifically to work with academically and behaviorally-disadvantaged students. She has classes with eight or fewer children in them and a paraprofessional to help her. She can sit down and focus on one child, providing intensive instruction, while other children work with the paraprofessional. For any kid who is struggling to pass, year after year, my colleague’s class offers a chance to succeed.

Eduhonesty: Economic forces are in play here, something teachers and parents don’t always understand. Districts have a big incentive to keep children in the regular classroom. That special education teacher costs as much or more than her regular education counterpart, probably more since special education endorsements require quite a few college credits — this varies by area — and greater numbers of college credits usually lead to higher pay. Depending on law and contracts, one regular teacher can teach the same number of students as three special education teachers. Putting a child into special education thus represents a financial commitment that poor districts, especially, may prefer to avoid.

I need to observe that educators and administrators tend to be ethical people, dedicated to providing the best education possible to their students. While an obvious financial incentive exists to keep students out of special education, parties to the process are extremely unlikely to falsify testing data. Still, financial factors may lead to data interpretations designed to keep students in regular classrooms. A few years back, I had a student tested for special education. The man who tested her determined that her I.Q. was 78 — 3 digits too high to qualify for special education. She needed a 75 to qualify. But while psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability, the fact is that the standard error of measurement for IQ tests is commonly considered to be about three points — the very difference that might have gotten my student into special education. That test can easily be three points off. They didn’t let my girl into special education. (Bilingual education saved this former student, but that’s another story. She did graduate. She may be stranded in a Spanglish world, and she can’t spell or do math for beans, but she diligently attended school, receiving enough credits to walk the stage.)

Am I rambling here? To go straight to my point, many of our failing kids will benefit from special education; however, parents and teachers may need to force the issue. Parents — don’t trust the schools to tell you if your child needs special education. If you suspect learning handicaps, demand that your district test your child. Teachers — the mantra of this time has become, “All children can succeed!” This cheery sound bite sounds appealing but fictions often do. Not all children can succeed in regular classrooms. If they could, we would never have created special education in the first place.

Lost and struggling students deserve to get the help they need. These small classes with individualized attention allow some students to learn when regular classes do not. My colleague down the hall has dedicated her life to teaching reading to students who need extra help to put the letters together. Parents and teachers sometimes hesitate to seek special education placements for fear of labeling a child slow, but special education often proves the best possible world for at least some of our boys and girls.

Leonard Cohen put it perfectly in his song, Anthem:

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

It’s all about light, the light of learning. We are here to help our children learn to love learning. We do that best when we don’t force them to go faster and farther than they are ready to travel. We do that best when we hand them books they can read with a teacher who understands the pacing and parameters they require. We do that best when we accept and love them for who they are.

For “Rick” — who lives where he works

“Rick” is my union rep. I haven’t used his services, but he takes his union position seriously. He doesn’t gossip. He’s smart and funny, a middle-aged, African-American man who eats what he wants against medical advice — trying every so often to fix his excesses with a salad or two — and sometimes says what he thinks. He’s got a gift of quiet. He listens. Every so often, he shares his thoughts.

We were talking about the new retention policy, which appears to be another version of “we don’t retain nobody, nohow.” As noted in other posts, I understand where this policy originates. The research supports social promotion. The socially promoted have better outcomes in school and life overall. That point’s no longer debatable, even given the sometimes shoddy nature of social science research.

Here’s what Rick said, though, in a viewpoint that deserves cyberspace and cybertime:

“The thing is, those people in the Board Office, they go home at night to Lake Forest or places like that. They don’t live here. They’re just passing the problem on and it’s no problem for them. They don’t see these teen-age kids who didn’t make it through high school and who can’t find a job. I see them. They are standing on the street corner outside my house. They have nothing to do. They’ve got no way to make money. They’ve got no prospects.”

Rick is a big guy and he carries a natural authority. But he’ll admit to being scared of those kids on the street corner. Those kids don’t have a lot to lose, he tells me. The numbers here are hard to tease out. Crime statistics for the area baffle local residents and have led to a number of articles on the trustworthiness of crime statistics reported by police departments. Our crime statistics, like our graduation statistics, are honestly hard to understand when you are viewing them from the local stage. If 500 people finish at a middle school and 200 graduate from the high school across the street, when the graduation rate is over one-half of students, what happened to the missing bodies on the stage?

Regardless of the numbers, I can see why Rick is worried. Gang activity runs rampant in this locale. Drug abuse has become standard fare. What do you do if you have no education, no job and no legitimate job prospects? The underground economy offers one way to scrounge up cash. We had a middle school student murdered a few years ago when he flashed a bunch of money at some older peers. I’d guess that money came from drugs. I don’t know for sure. I know I held crying teachers who had known the boy, helped them down long, sad hallways. I watched a school mourn a kid who had already begun moving toward that street corner, regularly skipping school and ignoring classes.

What happens when we pass Napoleon on from eighth grade to high school when he is reading at a fourth grade level and doing math at a third grade level? Statistically, we improve his odds of long-term success, according to the studies. But what are those odds of success? Mostly, they range from poor to abysmally awful.

How costly is the decision to drop out of high school? To quote the PBS article “Dropout Nation,” (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/education/dropout-nation/by-the-numbers-dropping-out-of-high-school/,

Consider a few figures about life without a diploma:


The average dropout can expect to earn an annual income of $20,241, according to the U.S. Census Bureau (PDF). That’s a full $10,386 less than the typical high school graduate, and $36,424 less than someone with a bachelor’s degree.


Of course, simply finding a job is also much more of a challenge for dropouts. While the national unemployment rate stood at 8.1 percent in August, joblessness among those without a high school degree measured 12 percent. Among college graduates, it was 4.1 percent.


Among dropouts between the ages of 16 and 24, incarceration rates were a whopping 63 times higher than among college graduates, according to a study (PDF) by researchers at Northeastern University. To be sure, there is no direct link between prison and the decision to leave high school early. Rather, the data is further evidence that dropouts are exposed to many of the same socioeconomic forces that are often gateways to crime.

In Rick’s view, when we pass those kids along, we pass along our problems to the community — and he’s right. Those high school students who can’t read, write or multiply often drop out of high school. Year by year, our lowest performers may be digging themselves into deeper holes until we finally offer them an out, legally allowing them to exit school. Then many of these kids enter the underground economy, the only economy where they can make enough money to support their lives and habits.

Rick watches these kids on his street corner while administrators determining district retention policies drive safely home to comfortable, suburban houses in areas where the majority of high school kids move on to graduate from college.